Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Post 38


The Toledo Pledge: How Is It Going?


Just under the wire, here is my April edition of the GRM Website Blog.  Returning from vacation, I found that this computer was still on vacation!  As I was not so patiently awaiting its restoration of functioning, my husband reminded me that "There are just some things that take time."  Although I was not in much of a mood to see the realistic merits of his comment, my thoughts did remind me that, indeed, there are many elements of gambling recovery that do take time: time to do reading about compulsive gambling and recovery issues; time to attend GA and/or Gam-Anon Meetings; time to attend treatment sessions and do the suggested homework; and time to grow spiritually.  So Yes, this is the April edition - and as there is time in May, there will be a new Blog entry.

The above title asks about the "Toledo Pledge".  Earlier in the year, I came across news of a community initiative in Toledo.  With the recent advent of a casino in this city, various community leaders came together in a collaborative effort:  to watch for and be prepared to help persons with gambling problems to find recovery resources.  As I understand it, the effort was to promote awareness and preparation.  It's about identifying problem gambling and being ready to guide the person to those first steps toward recovery.

I have read two versions of this pledge.  Below, see both versions.

***  I will learn how to recognize the signs of a potential gambling problem, how to intervene with someone who has a problem, and what treatment options are available in our community. 
I will share this information with others and intervene when I recognize someone displaying the signs of problem gambling.  

***  We will show compassion and patience to those with a gambling problem and commit 
to assisting them with steps toward a gambling-free life.

To raise awareness about the Toledo Pledge - along with information about gambling addiction - educational initiatives were offered to community service organizations, companies, unions, and faith-based communities.
Moreover, it is reported that Lucas County Commissioners and the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Lucas County have participated in this project.

Several months have gone by since I read about the Toledo Pledge initiative.  Now, I ask for feedback.  How is this effort going?  What materials are being used and offered to the public?  Are speakers on problem gambling finding receptivity to their programs?  How about the proposed media and online campaigns?  How much exposure to awareness media is there for the folks in the Greater Toledo Area?

Give me your feedback, please, on this potentially promising endeavor.  I want to hear from you ...  and 
I would love to hear that other communities are creating and initiating such awareness campaigns!


Rev. Janet Jacobs
Founding Director
Gambling Recovery Ministries

For more information on problem gambling and recovery issues, visit www.grmumc.org

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