Thursday, September 20, 2012

Post 31


Perhaps, during this month of September, you have heard more about the topic of recovery than any other time of the year.  Across the country, National Recovery Month has been observed in many ways: magazines articles on the topic of mental health research; recovery programs’  PR campaigns; and support groups picnics, rides, and other social events.  The message is heard repeatedly: celebrate new life in recovery!  “Before” and “after” stories are told – and celebrated all over again.  It is a wonderful reminder to the public – and the hurting – that there is HOPE and HELP in recovery … and it’s worth national attention each year.

Recently, I came across understanding words about gambling addiction and recovery that need to be heard by those seeking recovery from compulsive gambling:
Gambling addiction is a mask for many things that are wrong in your life.   When you stop gambling, you begin to face life again … [and welcome] reality in your life again.

To celebrate the topic of Recovery, this month’s Blog features another GRM Worksheet addressing those aspects of reality that one eventually faces when entering personal recovery.  The worksheet’s inspiration comes from a quote written to me by a friend: God meets you where you are BUT He does not leave you there.  In other words, recovery implies AND requires change. 

Over the coming months, this Blog will include a series of worksheets on providing a suggested basic structure that will help to frame a day’s length for personal recovery.  The below worksheet - with checkpoints to follow for the individual seeking change -  is the first in the series … starting the day with a GOOD morning!


Rev. Janet Jacobs
Director, Gambling Recovery Ministries

Facing Recovery: A GOOD Morning CHECKLIST


·        Set a regular time to awake

·        Smile and Pray

·        Regular meal.  Remember the importance of water to drink.

·        Set regular times for any medications.

·        Groom and dress

·        Smile and pray (or recite/read scripture/ devotional reading) again

·        Leave for work on time (ten minutes ahead of time might be better!)

·        OR complete a single, simple chore/project at home, right away. (Once completed, plan the rest of your day: specific goals, appropriate in size, for your particular day’s schedule).

·        Smile and pray. (You’re getting the idea!)

·        Begin your list of planned projects/activities for the day.  Be realistic.  Pace yourself as you work.

·        Be thankful for any and all work done! 

For more information on problem gambling and recovery issues, visit