Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cleaning Out ... Clearing Up! 
(Recovery Prayers and De-cluttering) 

Post 58

Our recent garage-organization project was on my mind the other day ... such a simple design ... and definitely DIY.  Yes, free-standing shelves and big plastic bins (with covers, definitely) were added ... plus new pegboard now covers most of the walls.  The timing - weather-wise - was perfect: cool days providing slightly brisk conditions that kept the energy flowing without summer's debilitating heat and humidity. We found all kinds of STUFF - much of it to be safely recycled.  Interestingly, several items were uncovered that (1) previously, we had spent time searching and searching; and (2) we had forgotten we ever had! 

When all was said and done, several good "finds" were made.  Obviously, we rediscovered the garage's roominess- including a larger-than-we-thought bump-out area, perfect for a small workshop.  Additionally, there were several unused heavy-duty hanging hooks already fitting into older pegboard spots.  Then too,  we found abundant, untouched space in the old, repurposed kitchen wall cabinets.  In other words, usable areas filled the garage; but they had not been in service, thanks to CLUTTER!

Inspired by the success of our garage project, I moved on to my sewing box, an old trunk, and a large dresser drawer.  Now, I was on a roll!  Once more, I found roominess after the weeding out was completed.  It was the trunk, however, that brought forth new revelations.  This container was crammed with documents, articles, magazines, pictures, cards and letters, old sermons, and most of the term papers from my ministry classes.

As I continued to plow through the paper piles, I grew more and more appreciative of the many experiences and interpersonal dynamics that each piece of paper represented.  The course grades and professors' positive comments pointed to - yes - long, long hours of work and study AND to Divine guidance and wisdom that accompanied me.  I read several papers and shook my head ... it had to have been God who kept me focused, granted insight, and provided the energy to fulfill the course requirements.  At the bottom of the trunk was a heavy box overflowing with letters and cards with so many thoughtful notes - especially during a most difficult time of medical crises for us years ago. 

And then, there was the plastic bag packed with clipped, inspirational articles.  They will be read again and sorted.  My father had made it a weekly practice to write each of his adult children a letter.  Into his 90's the letters regularly came.  He would clip coupons too for all of us - and stuff them along with his single page letters into plain white envelopes.  Almost always, along with the coupons, Dad's weekly packets to me included several articles written by pastors or other faith-based authors. He thought I might be able to use them for my weekly sermons.  Again and again, those articles came ... and I did use a good number of them.  Most of all, I appreciated his wanting to support his daughter's later-in-life call into ministry.  To go over these articles, personally and purposefully selected by my father, will anoint my days to come ... with affirmation from both of my Fathers.  

So in the spirit of recovering the lost/forgotten/unused/neglected/cluttered areas of our lives, this month's edition of the GRM Blog brings forth Prayers as We De-clutter - and Recover !


1.  Thank You, God, for giving to me the motivation - even if it's just a beginning, small amount - to start the task of reorganizing this spot (area) in my life.
2.  Thank You for giving me the energy and focus to do the work.
3.  Thank You for increased spaces that I will find in accomplishing my project ... help me to put these areas to work for (not against) my recovery.
4.  As I locate, once-thought, lost items, remind me of personal qualities I am re-experiencing and newly developing in recovery.
5.  As I sort through countless items, reaffirm to me that I was - and still am - a person of worth.  Show me certain "treasures" of past days that will re-enforce my efforts in the journey to recovery.
6.  Last - but most of all - I give You thanks and praise for the work You are doing within me!

For more information on problem gambling and recovery issues, visit www.grmumc.org .


Rev. Janet Jacobs
Founding Director
Gambling Recovery Ministries