Monday, February 4, 2019

Post 114  


Hopefully, you have read Post 113 and are now smoothly living your new year’s resolutions, goals, aspirations, and growth-steps.  Well, perhaps, not always smoothly … but at least you may be experiencing and appreciating fresh thoughts, ideas, and – yes – attempts to turn specified goals into the norm within your world.   Last month, Bob H. suggested and encouraged ways to make recovery work stick … and grow.  Imagine how eleven months from now life will look, feel, and be like if his recommendations were to be taken seriously – and followed.

February’s Post adds to this.  Sherrie H., Bob’s wife, shares her thoughts on the greatest resource necessary to stay on and travel the road to recovery.  Notice how she personally fortifies our need for a Higher Power.   Not a sequel … Post 114 is part and parcel to January’s suggestions in continuing to keep your recovery journey going and growing.

Thank you, Sherrie for sharing your thoughts and experiences!  Welcome to the GRM Blog!

“Came to believe

 that a power greater than myself could restore me

to a better way of thinking and living.”

(inspired by Step 2 of Gam-Anon:

By Sherrie H., 19 year member of Toledo, Ohio Gam-Anon

Step 2 from the Gam-Anon combo book is a lifesaving concept.  In Gam-Anon meetings, we would go through a different step each month, and February meetings were usually devoted to Step 2.

February would come and I was always saying to myself that I was still working on Step 1. Then after several years, Step 2 began to seem like where my thoughts were always leading. What a great relief it was to believe what Step 2 had to say. What a wonderful realization that God (my Higher Power) cared for me. God cared for me and wanted me to depend on him.  He knew my struggles; my disappointments; my sense of being stuck on Step 1.  Step 2 became my way out.

Step 2 is an ah-ha moment. It’s an epiphany moment. Thinking about and holding space for Step 2 in my life helped me to move on in my recovery.  It brings me comfort and, of course, a sense of direction.  The entire statement of Step 2 leads me out of myself. It makes me look up. It focuses me toward the future.

I thank God for Epiphany, the season, and for Step 2.  I hope you too find time for Step 2. I hope you too find time this month to work again on Step 2, and allow God to change your beliefs about what he can do for you. Be open and allow him to do it.  We all deserve a better way of thinking and living.  Remember to be good to yourself.  And remember that recovery is a joyous journey of learning; self-realization; and genuine self-fulfillment. 

So travel on my friends in recovery. Travel on!

Once again, may each of the 300-plus days to come find you uniquely experiencing this new year,

one-day-at-a-time and with your Higher Power to guide, encourage, and teach you! 

Rev. Janet Jacobs, CCGSO
Founding Director
Gambling Recovery Ministries

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