Thursday, February 27, 2020

Post 126


To celebrate our 10th Anniversary of the GRM BLOG, the GRM Website is undergoing an updated and refreshed remodeling. 

Project completion is estimated by April 1 … and we’re not fooling!  

You will still be able to go back through the Posts and re-read – or discover anew – past Blog Posts; and the GRM website will continue to be packed with valuable – and current - information about gambling addiction and recovery issues!   


Rev. Janet Jacobs, CCGSO

Founding Director

Gambling Recovery Ministries

Monday, January 13, 2020

Post 125 



HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  It has been ten years since GRM Blog Post #1 greeted and welcomed readers to’s new blog feature.  During the previous year, I spent most of the twelve months writing content for a newly transformed Gambling Recovery Ministries’ website.  My webhost had encouraged me to include a blog as a regular part of the website; and so in January 2010, I reached out to a worldwide audience hoping that words of hope and help would spark interest and inspiration to take steps into recovery or open faith-based doors to those in need of recovery.  

Heading into this new decade of GRM Blog outreach, I tossed around ideas for the “first” blog post.  Somehow, a revolutionary, never-before idea or concept about problem gambling recovery didn’t stick on the wall. Rather wisdom from the pastAKA, 20/20 Hindsight – remained - and it seemed a perfect time to recall many of the gold nuggets from previous entries. Therefore, I’m filling Post 125 with snippets of wisdom from the past ten years!

Post 90  At the beginning of this new year, a number of resolutions or goals are being pondered. We may look at the past twelve (or more!) months and wonder, Why?  We may be trying to sort out what may have gone wrong, why did things happen as they did, … what factors played a role in how things turned out.  Perhaps, there will be no definitive answers.  Possibly, the Why? question doesn’t even need to be replayed (especially over and over).  It’s the moving-on that matters now.   (2016 … The Year the Christmas Tree Fell –Twice: WHY??)

Post 89  How would it be if we start off defining HOPE as an expectation which is God-derived … that the foundation of HOPE comes from a desire/an anticipation instilled within each of our hearts by God.  In other words, let us see HOPE, as God's gift - given to us, in response to our prayers for HOPE - specific to our own circumstances … and that in doing so, become filled with hope in ways that we would never expect.  (Giving Hope)

Post 54  Consider the expression, time is money.  As you have been in recovery, calculate how much time further ahead you are, financially speaking, now that you have spent less time involved in gambling activities/thoughts/actions to hide gambling, etc.  Recovery?  Time is money!    (It's About Time)

Post 63  Find others successfully in recovery; learn from them, notice how they value themselves AND how they value you for yourself!  (FEAR: Is It Sealing Your Fate?)

Post 102  Working toward a better - not necessarily the best or perfect - seems more do-able and … better can become better, better, and even better!  (About Essentials) 

Post 56   Set deadlines and milestones BUT be realistic and make them measurable.  (Again: be realistic!)  Use great role models - persons who inspire you (persons you know AND/OR those you only know about).  (Climbing the Steps: Setting Goals and Reaching Them)

Post 107  It is essential that we realize – and accept – that we do not have to rely solely on our own power to enter into the process of forgiveness.  (referring to Step 2 of the 12 Steps to Recovery)  (Are We Forgiven?)

Post 101  It is our choice to allow God's wisdom and guidance to become and take on an active response within us.  Plainly speaking, not seeking God's wisdom, direction, and guidance - no doubt - places us right back in the feeling of being distant from God.  (What Are You Waiting for This Advent?)  

Post 21  Do you tell yourself THANK YOU! for not following through with self-destruction? Do you tell yourself  THANK YOU! for saying YES to RECOVERY ?  (A Giving Thanks Screen)

Finally, a parting – and memorable - piece of wisdom comes from a years-ago recovery conference.  Stated simply by Anonymous, I have recounted these words many times:  Anything I’ll put in front of my recovery, I’ll lose.  

May the start of this new decade be for you the beginnings of wondrous, joyful, and surprising recoveries that will take you through the years to come!


Rev. Janet Jacobs, CCGSO

Founding Director

Gambling Recovery Ministries

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