Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Post 122



In the world of gambling news, there has been much to say recently about sports betting and the legalization, thereof.  Immediate thoughts go to pro sports – but there’s more.  No longer will the final outcomes of games and matches suffice to satisfy the bettor’s appetite.  Wagers will blanket the entire sporting event from before the beginning to after the end: the starting lineup? the most valuable player?  the least valuable player? the most hot-headed? the biggest disappointment?  the turning point?

Moreover, today’s unlimited communication modes open up versions of arenas/stadiums, grandstands beyond the perspectives of  brick-and-mortar dimensions.  As well, betting devices are expanding by category from casino options to social media games. 

Come December, I’ll share information on some of these options that should  come with warnings.  Watch for the title, Presents, Presents … and the Presence of Gambling.  

For this month’s issue, I offer several articles and taped interviews to help bring us up to date on the expansions in gambling  – and therefore, prepare us for watchfulness and prevention strategies in terms of  at-risk opportunities in developing gambling problems – at any age!

The following are from Keith’s Clips, an e-news brief from Keith Whyte, Executive Director of the National Council on Problem Gambling www.ncpgambling.org


·        PBS Newshour on Social Casinos  (social casinos apps)

·        CNBC on Sports Gambling and Problem Gambling

·        OZY on Microbetting & Sports

·        Axios on Artificial Intelligence & Gambling

·        NCAA Champion Magazine on Sports Betting


·        The New Yorker on Poker

·        Chicago Tribune on Historical Sports Gambling Scandals

Finally, I extend another reminder of the upcoming International Gambling Counselor Certification Board’s CLERGY/LAY MINISTER CERTIFICATION TRAININGS

The IGCCB certification provides a process for recognizing and certifying clergy, lay ministers, religious persons, and other faith leaders to offer informed guidance, educational materials, support, hope, spiritual care, and help to individuals and families affected by problem gambling and addiction.

·        Southern Maryland: 

      MODULE 3 on November 2, 2019 

            MODULE 4 on December 7, 2019

Maryland Center for Addiction Treatment

11100 Billingley Rd.

Waldorf MD 20602


·           Columbus, Ohio on October29-November 1, 2019.    MODULES 1, 2, 3, 4


Sponsored by the Problem Gambling Network of Ohio, with support from OhioMHAS,

the training will be held October 29-November 1, 2019. Attendees must complete all four days of the training in order to be eligible for certification. The cost for the training is $50**, which will include all coursework, breakfast & lunch for each day.

[**Additionally, there is an administration fee of $50 for certification, however PGNO will pay the IGCCB administrative fee, provided all certification requirements are met.]

A light breakfast and lunch will be provided for each training day, and sessions will be held from 9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. at Ohio Department of Natural Resources, 2045 Morse Rd, Bldg E, Assembly Room East and West, Columbus, OH, 43229. Pre-registration is required and seating is limited.

For logistical questions contact Derek Longmeier at 
DLongmeier@PGNOhio.org or (614) 750-9899; for course content questions, contact Rev. Janet Jacobs at jjacobs@grmumc.org or (812) 290-3022.


Rev. Janet Jacobs, CCGSO

Founding Director

Gambling Recovery Ministries

For more information on gambling disorder and recovery issues

and the IGCCB Clergy/Lay Minister Certification visit:   
