November: THANK
On this cold, snowy and windy
Thanksgiving Eve, the phone call I received yesterday brings a smile of
gratefulness to mind. The inquiry came
with a request for help. Could I provide
assistance to some Indiana folks involved in outreach to problem gamblers? As it turns out, Jerry Long, Indiana Council
on Problem Gambling Director, had suggested that they check with me. I was more than happy to assist … and this new connection speaks exactly
to our November GRM Blog topic:
collaboration with Councils/Associations on Problem Gambling.
To conclude my series on Collaboration, I want to spotlight these
organizations as valuable resources.
Commonly, Councils on Problem
Gambling provide free materials on compulsive
gambling and recovery issues in the form of brochures and fact sheets. These may be in hard copy form and/or
downloadable. As previously mentioned in
the August Blog Post, the California
Council of Problem Gambling and the
California Office on Problem Gambling graciously sent me cartons of materials for
the new GRM Resource Center at the Christ Ministry Center in San
Diego. Actually, the California
resources have an impressive variety of materials in multiple languages:
and I mean multiple! Then too, over the
years, Gambling Recovery Ministries has been, particularly, blessed with
numerous brochures, “warning cards”, posters, and booklets from both the
Indiana and Kentucky Councils on Problem Gambling.
and spoken) is another valuable form
of collaboration. When I needed guest columnists
for the grm resource center newsletter,
help came readily. Judy Heriff (Michigan
Association on Problem Gambling ), Carol O’Hare
(Nevada Council on Problem Gambling ), and Curtis
Barrett, Ph.D. (Kentucky Council on Problem Gambling ) wrote articles. In addition, Jerry Long invites me to write a
Gambling Recovery Ministries Report
in the Indiana Council’s Newsletter Another
example of collaborative writing comes from Dr. Deborah Haskins’ article, Congregational Ministry to Problem Gamblers (Christian
Reflection magazine, The Gambling Culture, summer 2011 edition, published by the Center for Christian Ethics at Baylor University ). Deborah Haskins,
Ph.D., President of the Maryland Council on Problem Gambling, not only provides
a most foundational paper to address the need for faith-based ministry to those
affected by gambling addiction, she offers GRM as a working model!
Moreover, GRM’s unique faith-based niche in the national arena of problem
gambling recovery work has not gone un-noticed. Invitations for me to speak at statewide,
regional, and national events have come from the Council on Compulsive Gambling
of New Jersey and the National Council on
Problem Gambling, as well as
from the Kentucky, Indiana, and Nevada Councils and the Ohio Department of
Mental Health & Addiction Services It is a beautiful blessing to present
workshops on the essential role that spirituality plays in the recovery
Furthermore, educational events, are
- in themselves – very special collaborative forms of supporting each other’s
efforts in the problem gambling recovery field.
Not only is valuable information shared, but also, networking
opportunities abound at such gatherings. Under the direction of Mike Stone, the
Kentucky Council goes another step further, in collaboration, at their KYCPG
Annual Education Event (January 30-31, 2014).
Immediately following this conference’s final workshop, the Council hosts
a supper buffet to those attending the Gamblers Anonymous/Gam-Anon Lexington
Mini-Conference (which begins that evening).
It is a special time, for all, in opening the doors to “recovery conversation”!
Finally, Council websites are a wonderful means of collaboration … though
many may not have thought of it in this way.
A quick perusal of Council on Problem Gambling websites brings a
plethora of information directly into homes and offices throughout the world. Even if no active discussion ever takes
place, the exchange of information and materials does! I term this as “silent collaboration” … and,
at the same time, I underscore the
essential value of such support and assistance.
e-introductions, and inspiration … it’s all found on the websites!
In closing this series, I want to
include a sound bite from the
Maryland Council on Problem Gambling/Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem
Gambling It’s a great
example of the kinds of data you can share … thanks to a Council’s
collaborative work!
you gamble once a year, on average, you will spend $45.79 per month gambling.
you gamble once a month, on average, you will spend $148.00 per month gambling.
you gamble once a week, on average, you will spend $548.97 per month on
For further information on problem gambling and recovery issues, visit
Rev. Janet Jacobs
Founding Director
Gambling Recovery Ministries