Post 34
An Era of Tragedy
As I write December’s entry, I am shocked and saddened – yet
again - over the loss of innocent lives by willful violence. Yesterday’s tragedy reminds us that safety
can be threatened throughout a very broad spectrum. The loss of life obviously indicates that
physically persons were endangered. Emotionally, the survivors of the Connecticut school
killing remain, undoubtedly, in harm’s way.
I think that I can safely say that post-trauma effects will need to be
monitored carefully and continuously. Spiritually,
there will be questions in all of this – for a long time.
I am in hopes that all
three aspects of how persons are impacted after such tragedies can and will be addressed. A total
balance of care is called for as the post-event processing is administered.
How will this era of tragedy cease to occur? On a nationwide radio call-in, yesterday, the
topic centered on sacrificial care and giving.
The announcer repeatedly commented that in the face of such violence,
the void that results must be filled with the good. That is, as an essential counter to
unthinkable tragedies, the good - which, otherwise, occurs throughout all corners of our country (and
the world) must be heard!
Today, I received in the mail a Christmas newsletter from a
mission in Ecuador. In it, I found special wording that I would
like to share. The essence of this
message speaks to the original and true meaning of Christmas. Particularly, in the light of so many
tragedies that break into human lives, I offer these words:
When the song of the
angels is stilled
When the star in the
sky is gone
When the kings and
princes are home
When the shepherds are
back with their flocks
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost …
To heal the broken …
To feed the hungry …
To release the prisoner …
To rebuild the nations …
To bring peace among brothers and sisters …
To make music IN THE HEART!
(from the Working Boys’ Center Family of Families
Newsletter, Quito, Ecuador)
May you experience, wondrously, God-blessed peace and
strength for the challenges you may face in the coming days and years.
Rev. Janet Jacobs
Founding Director, Gambling Recovery Ministries
For more information of problem gambling and recovery
issues, visit