This week an unusual high school basketball game took place. Though the mega-favored team did win, their victory was managed only after three overtime periods and eventually countering the opposing team's relentless stalling strategy. Statistically unexpected, the final 38-31 score exhibited the losing team's possession drills that predominated their floor play.
We are in the midst of basketball season now. And every year, unusual stories surface about unexpected wins, unfortunate injuries, or illegal betting occurences. Although it may seem unnecessary to post reminders about the don'ts with regard to sports wagering by athletes, temptations do arise and very unfortunate consequences, sometimes, take place.
Whether an athlete (on any official team) is connected with high school, college, or professional sports, the no wagering policy holds. This means ...
- NO bets on ANY official team sports events
- NO sports pools: NONE!
- NO internet gambling on sports
- NO information sharing about your team to ANYONE who gambles: NOTHING! (including physical condition of players, team spirit, coaching and/or discipline issues, etc.)
- sports career can end - at any level
- expulsion from school: academic career can be severely jeopardized
- personal humiliation
- family humiliation
- team humiliation
- financial ruin
- present and future employment status at risk
- incarceration ... future employment at risk (again)
- emotional turmoil and possible development of compulsive gambling problems
Enjoy the basketball season; don't bet; and stay safe!
For more information on problem gambling and recovery issues, go to
Rev. Janet Jacobs
Director, Gambling Recovery Ministries